Congress: Support Increased Peace Corps Funding

As Congress continues to work on spending priorities, this is a critical time for Congress to hear from you about a funding increase for the Peace Corps.
While President Biden proposed $410.5 million for the Peace Corps (which would represent flat funding for a seventh consecutive year), there is reason to be optimistic. The House of Representatives has voted to support a five percent increase ($430.5million) for the agency. While the Senate has not yet taken action, earlier this year 39 members signed a letter also seeking at least $430 million. With strong mobilization across the Peace Corps community, we can secure the first meaningful funding increase since 2015.
Please note that available prefix options for letters to members of Congress are determined and required by legislative offices, not NPCA.
We need your help. Now. Contact your members of Congress and ask for their support. This action allows you to edit and personalize your messages. After sending your messages, this action allows you to tweet your lawmakers, ask your friends to take action, and submit a local letter–to–the–editor (which you can personalize) asking your lawmakers to support strong Peace Corps funding. 

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