Contact Congress Asking Them To Sponsor The Estate Tax Rate Reduction Act of 2021
The estate tax devastates families, forcing them to sell their their business, lay-off hard-working employees and abandon their community.
If you work for a family-owned business, generationally owned businesses, or multigenerational businesses, your wages could be cut, or you could be laid off as the family is forced to sell the business or borrow to pay the estate tax.
Join other hard-working Americans in asking Congress to put an end to an unfair tax on families, family-owned businesses and their employees.
The Estate Tax Rate Reduction Act of 2021(H.R. 3178 and S 1627) would reduce the estate tax rate to the capital gains tax rate, while maintaining step-up in basis.
The Policy and Taxation Group (PATG) applauds Representatives Jodey Arrington (R-TX) and Henry Cuellar (D-TX) and Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) for introducing legislation today that would reduce the federal estate tax rate from forty percent – the single highest tax in the US Code – to that of capital gains at twenty percent.
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The estate tax devastates families, forcing them to sell their their business, lay-off hard-working employees and abandon their community.
If you work for a family-owned business, generationally owned businesses, or multigenerational businesses, your wages could be cut, or you could be laid off as the family is forced to sell the business or borrow to pay the estate tax.
Businesses that are sold are often consolidated into larger corporations that focus on pleasing shareholders instead of investing in the community.
Join other hard-working Americans in asking Congress to put an end to an unfair tax on families, family-owned businesses and their employees.